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Software reVisions

In pursuit of reliable, fault-tolerant, fail-safe software and systems

The Humane Society of the United States

CA eTrust PestPatrol Causing High CPU Use

At work they're running Computer Associates eTrust PestPatrol 7.1.501 and on one of two "identically" configured workstations the program ppmcactivedetection.exe started using 48-50% CPU all the time which made everything else run very slowly.

Discovered that there were thousands of quarantine files in C:\Program Files\Common Files\PestPatrol\Quarantine occupying over 150MB of space. Had to kill all of the PestPatrol and related processes, then drop to DOS and delete the directory and all the files. Under Windows, it just sat there forever trying to build a list of all the files.

Once I recreated the Quarantine directory and restarted. ppmcactivedetection.exe ran fine using no more than a few percent CPU.

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